We believe time is the single most valuable commodity in life. So, we built our business around it.
We think people do their best work when they’re not rushed. And that over-allocation should be the exception, not the rule. Life is best when there’s a good balance between work and everything else.
Resource Guru is specifically designed to reduce excessive workloads, improve team morale, lower employee churn and help you do your best work.
After years of experiencing the pain of using resource scheduling spreadsheets, Percy and Andrew decided there had to be a better way. Months of research, design and prototyping ensued before Resource Guru was finally born in May 2012.
We’re a tight-knit team of passionate craftspeople working from six countries around the world. We’ve been a remote company from day one.
We don’t understand B2B or B2C - only Human2Human.
Our primary focus is on the user experience and the value it brings to our customers. Almost nothing else matters.
Instead of rushing out half-baked features that come back to haunt everyone later, we’ve always focused on getting the details right. User-centred research and design ensure that we are building a premium product that is still great value.
Because gurus are insightful and a little bit magical. What better kernel can you begin with when your ambition is to help teams do their best work in a happier, healthier way.
Investors include LocalGlobe, Index Ventures and our very supportive friends and family.
Continuous enhancement is one of our mantras and we're bubbling over with new ideas. Our goal is to make customers more efficient, more productive and ultimately more profitable. Leading to smiles all round :)
Damage to global ecosystems can no longer be ignored. We do what we can to reduce our environmental impact by using carbon-neutral hosting and by funding climate projects as members of Ecologi.
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© Resource Guru 2025. All rights reserved.