Fast-track your planning with project teams

Project teams on Resource Guru - illustration.

Teams are the lifeblood of successful projects, but their ability to do great work hinges on how they’re organized. Effective project managers need flexible ways to plan projects ahead of time, and prioritize tasks for the people working on them—even as the project evolves. That’s why we’ve created project teams.

A flexible, fast approach to team management

It’s a given, but when you have all the relevant info to hand, projects become significantly easier to plan. Resource Guru already helps with this in a number of ways. 

Open up any project, and you can see, add, and edit key details in the Overview tab. With Milestones, you can track against significant dates in the lead up to project completion. And now, under Teams, you can better manage the people working on each of your projects. 

The Team tab in the Projects section of Resource Guru.

We’ve always kept track of which people and resources are assigned to each project. Anyone with an existing booking against a project gets added to its team by default.

But now, setting up teams for new projects is just as straightforward. You can create a new team manually, before those people are booked elsewhere, helping you plan ahead. 

To assign the people and resources you want when creating a new project, just navigate to the Team tab. From there, search for who and what you need and add them to the team with a click.

You can also review all the projects you’ve created—along with their teams—in the Projects & Clients section, and adjust as needed.

This all lets you plan people’s bookings ahead of time, making sure you have all the people power you need to get projects over the line on time. The extra visibility project teams add also helps set expectations, giving everyone who’ll be working on the projects a heads up before it begins. 

Hone in on your teams for better scheduling control

The hide and remove options on Resource Guru project teams.

As the project continues, folks like contractors or freelancers might not be in it for the long haul. Things can get messy if those changes aren’t reflected where you’re managing the team’s workload. 

You can solve for this with the hide/remove feature. This lets you remove people who haven’t already been booked on a project, and hide any other people or non-human resources you don’t need to work with at that time.

Significant projects with large teams typically make for a hectic schedule. But by hiding parts of your project team and combining this with the group by project option in the Schedule, you can keep things clear.

The group by project view on Resource Guru showing bookings for people assigned to a project team.

People you’ve hidden won’t show on the Schedule when grouping by project. That way, you can highlight only those who are currently on the project team, helping you focus on active and available team members.

You get a clean interface to adjust bookings and schedule the whole team’s work faster than ever. Plus, they can immediately understand what they’re assigned to and when.

If you need to resurface hidden team members, you can use the collapse/hide option in the project title row to switch their visibility on/off.

Pro tip

You can use project teams in tandem with project start and end dates to keep your colleagues on track throughout.

Learn about the next evolution of project teams

Project teams are available on all Resource Guru plans. Get a step-by-step guide to setting them up in our Help Center.

Explore upcoming releases you can use in combination with project teams, including project rates and budgets, in our Product Portal: 

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